The below are some utils methods that can be used in a Calculator step.
Datatype conversion
You can convert a value to a different datatype:
let newValue = utils.convert(val, toType, format);
You can copy an object:
let newObj = utils.copy(obj);
You can hash an object with an algorithm:
let HashObj = utils.crypto.createHash(algorithm, options);
You can create an HMAC for an object:
let HmacObj = utils.crypto.createHmac(algorithm, key, options);
You can create a cryptographically artificial random data with the byte size:
let RandomData = utils.crypto.randomBytes(size);
You can merge a source object to a destination object:
let MergeObj = utils.merge(a, b, options);
You can generate a schema from a JSON object:
let newSchema = utils.schema.generateSchemaFromJSON(obj);
You can flatten a schema:
let newSchema = utils.schema.flattenSchema(schema, options);
You can validate a schema in a document:
let validateSchema = utils.schema.validate(document, schema, coerce, showAllErrors);
You can merge schemas:
let mergeSchema = utils.schema.mergeSchemas(schemas);
Escape XML Entities
You can escape XML entities by replacing them:
let safeXML= utils.escapeXml(xmlString);
Exclude Empty Arrays:
return Object.entries(input.record.fieldName).length = 0
Convert runDate to an epoch time:
input.parameters.fromDate = utils.dayjs(input.runInfo.lastRun).valueOf()
The following are a list of Utils functions that can be used:
'constructor', 'convert', 'copy',
'createBuffer', 'createReadableStream', 'cryptoCreateHash',
'cryptoCreateHmac', 'dayjs', 'deepEqual',
'duration', 'escapeXml', 'flattenSchema',
'formatDate', 'generateSchemaFromJSON', 'generateUUID',
'hasOwnProperty', 'hash', 'isArray',
'isAssigned', 'isBoolean', 'isBuffer',
'isDate', 'isEmptyObject', 'isFloat',
'isInteger', 'isNumber', 'isObject',
'isPrototypeOf', 'isString', 'jsonGet',
'jsonSet', 'jsonWalk', 'jwtSign',
'jwtVerify', 'mergeObjects', 'mergeSchemas',
'parseAddress', 'propertyIsEnumerable', 'randomBytes',
'round', 'toLocaleString', 'toString',
'toposort', 'validateSchema', 'valueOf',