How to run multiple flows sequentially with one trigger

If you require to run multiple flows sequentially with one trigger, a control/ master flow needs to be created. To do this, please follow the below instructions:

Illustrated below is an example of how the control/ master flow will look. In this example, a Schedule is being used as the trigger.

  1. Illustrated below are the flows that needed to run sequentially based on the same trigger.


To create a control/ master flow, you need to create a new flow. This is done by clicking on the 3 dots next to the solution name which are circled in red in the image below. The menu will appear, click on Create and then click on Flow.


The below page will appear where you can name the flow in the highlighted field.

  1. Add a Start Flow or an empty Record Generator as a source step.

  2. Add a Synchronous Flow destination step and you can reference the required flow from the drop down list (located on the far right on the Flow ID field) which is highlighted in the below image and then click on the Save Step button.

  1. Add Sync Flow steps for the remaining flows that you require to run sequentially.

  2. Add the trigger step last by clicking on the plus icon as highlighted in the below image.


The below page will appear where you can select or search for the required trigger.

In this example, we are using the Schedule as a trigger. Select when you want the flow to run by clicking on the
drop down list highlighted in the image below and selecting the required hour, day, week, month or year. Then click on the Save button.


The below link assists on how to select multiple hours, days or months:

How to schedule a flow to run every 2 hours


  1. Flows are set to run in an Africa/ Johannesburg timezone by default. To change the timezone of the flow, click on Flow Details which is highlighted in the below image.


The below page will appear and you can select or search for the required timezone by clicking on the drop down list in the Timezone field as highlighted.


  1. If you require the flow to stop processing/ break if a sync flow has an error, you can tick the Break On Error checkbox which is found in the Flow Details page under the Timezone field as shown in the image below. Then click on the Save button to save this setting. This will stop the next sync flows from processing if the previous sync flow has an error.

NB: Please note that the run can only have a “Completed” status or an “Error” status. It will not have a “Completed With Errors” status if this config is enabled and certain records have errors.


For more information on how the Break On Error option works, please click on the below link:

How to stop a run from processing if an error occurs