If you require to send data to dynamic buffers, please follow the below instructions:
NB: This works for all operations/ methods (inserting, upserting, updating and deleting) in a buffer.
Illustrated in the image below is an example of a simple flow where data will be upserted in dynamic buffers at runtime. The source step is a Record Generator with dummy data.
- Create a flow Input Parameter by clicking on the box icon circled in red as shown in the below image. It is located next to the located next to the Trigger step.
- The below page will appear. Click on the highlighted plus icon to add an Input Parameter, input a parameter name, select the datatype the parameter must be, click on the green tick which is circled in red on the far right of the field and then click the Save button.
- In the Buffer destination step, select the operation/ method you require and fill in the necessary configuration for it. To link the parameter to the buffer that the data will go in, click on the highlighted link icon next to Buffer ID as shown in the below image.
- The parameter page will appear. Click on the parameter that was created in the flow for the parameter to link to the Buffer ID field.
- Once the parameter is selected, it will look like the below image. Please click on the Save button to save this change.
- When testing or executing the flow, the parameter will appear where you have to input either the buffer ID or the buffer title which is highlighted in the below image.
NB: Please ensure that there are no whitespaces after the buffer ID or buffer title.
The buffer ID and buffer title can be found when editing a buffer. Underlined in red in the below image is the buffer ID. Highlighted under the buffer name is the buffer title which can be copied by clicking on the highlighted copy icon which is located on the far right of the buffer title.