How to automatically create connections

If you require to create a connection at run time (when executing the flow), please follow the below instructions:

  1. Obtain the name of Org and Synatic Admin API key. Click on the user menu which is located on the top right of the Synatic instance and click on Settings as illustrated in the below image.

  1. The Admin Portal API Key is located in the Legacy API Keys section as per the image below. Click on the Regenerate API Key button to generate a new API key copy it and store it in a safe place.

  1. Create a new Synatic Admin connection to use in the Synatic Admin steps. For the credentials, type the name of the org and paste the API Key as illustrated in the below image.

  1. To obtain the format that is used to create flow parameters at runtime, create a new connection based on the service you require.

In this example, the HTTP Authentication connection is used. Enter the required credentials as shown in the below image. Right-click on your mouse and select Inspect (F12). Click on the Network tab on the top of the page and click on Fetch/XHR as illustrated in the below image.

  1. Click on the Save button to save the connection that will send the requests. Look for the request name called “parameters” (located at the top of the Name section) and click on it as shown in the below image. Click on the Payload tab and then on View Source to retrieve the format of the parameters that we will use in the next instruction.

  1. Copy the Request Payload to a code editor such as Visual Studio Code and format the structure to read the payload as per the image below.

The following fields are the fields that can be changed:

IsConnection = true
Title: Unique name of the connection
Parameter template: What type of connection
Value is the fields entered into the connection
Solution: to put the connection into
  1. Create a flow that will insert the parameters at runtime which will create the new connections automatically. A JSON reader step is used to retrieve the payload which is followed by the Synatic Admin destination step as shown in the below image.

  1. The page below is the Synatic Admin destination step. Select the connection that was created in the 3rd instruction. Select Parameters as the Resource and Insert as the Operation.

Additional information:

If you require to view the source payload that will come in the flow as a parameter which will be the connection structure, please click on Flow Details and scroll to the bottom of the page. Enable the Log Input by ticking the checkbox and type in a Mime Type which is the type of data that is being received.

When a run is completed, select the run by clicking on the date and click on Download Run Input to download the parameter in a JSON file as highlighted in the below image.