The flow in the image below illustrates how to read a large data file from One Drive. One Drive Source step is used with a Byte group step. This will allow the data to be saved on Synatic. The data is stored in a Buffer destination step.
The image below shows the One Drive source step configuration. The icon highlighted in the image below is how a connection to One Drive can be created. Type the path to the file on One Drive in the Path field to retrieve the file.
The Byte Group step is shown in the image below. In this example, we are retrieving a PDF file from One Drive. The Base64 output mode is used to convert the PDF file into a Base64 string. Provide the To Field name. In this example, the To Field is “data”.
Illustrated in the page below is the output after the Calculator step. The data has been read and converted into a Base64 string. This can now be used as required within Synatic.