How to connect to Sharepoint using the HTTP Service destination steps

We currently do not have a Sharepoint connector available. To connect to Sharepoint, the following needs to be done:

NB: Our developers are developing a Sharepoint connector. Once it is released, this article will no longer be available.

Illustrated in the image below is an example of how the base flow will look.

To obtain the access token to Sharepoint, you can use a Record Generator as a source step and and the HTTP Service destination step to retrieve the access token. Below is an example of what the HTTP Service destination step will look like.


Then add a Calculator step after the HTTP Service destination step to parse the access token by using the code in the below image.


The below link assists with retrieving the access token:

Once the access token is retrieved, you can then upload to Sharepoint by adding a HTTP Service destination step as shown in the image below.

The below link assist with the authorization code oAuth flow for SharePoint add-ins/ scopes:

Authorization Code OAuth flow for SharePoint Add-ins | Microsoft Learn

The below link assists with uploading or replacing contents in Drive Item:

Upload small files - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn

How to add a return limit in Sharepoint’s API URL