New features for September 2022

The following are the new features for September 2022 :

Re-try option in the HTTP Service source step:

The re-try option is now available in the HTTP Service source step! illustrated below is how it looks when the Retry checkbox is ticked. It consists of fields for the number of times you want to retry (Times field) and the number of seconds you want to delay each time it retries (Delay field).


HTTP Auth Type - Headers:

We have a new HTTP Authentication Type available that is called Headers ! This Auth Type can be found when creating an HTTP Authentication connection. This Auth Type allows you to create multiple customized headers for your API. It is located in the drop down list in the Auth Type field. To add a new header, click on the highlighted plus icon, input a header name and value, click on the tick on the far right of the field and then click on the Save button as shown in the image below.

Relay Based File System Actions step:

If you require to action (move/ delete/ create/ copy) to the path or file that is stored on your local machine, the Relay Based File System Actions step will assist. The below image is how the step looks:

For more information on how it works, please click on the below link:

How to action a file from your local machine/ a Relay Based File System source step

SQL Server Bulk Insert destination step:

We now have a SQL Server Bulk Insert destination step available! Illustrated below is how the step looks. Bulk inserts to SQL Server can be done using this step. You can either create a new connection by clicking on the highlighted icon or select an existing connection from the drop down list. The table name is inputted in the Table field.

Searching for a time zone:

You can now search for a time zone in the Flow Details by scrolling to the Timezone field and type out a timezone you’re looking for instead of using the scroll bar to look for the required timezone. Illustrated below is an example of how it is used.
