How to log a primary/ main flow's data in a secondary flow

This feature is useful when debugging and building flows. The Log Input feature confirms if a sync flow, async flow or sub-flow is receiving the correct data from the primary/ main flow.

NB: This feature works only if you input raw JSON data in the secondary flow. This feature is also very helpful for flows where the data/records are coming from a trigger. Please note that the Log Input JSON file will disappear after a few days.

Illustrated in the below image is an example of a primary/ main flow with a record generator as the source step, a buffer as the destination step and a sync flow to run as a secondary flow.

The below image is the Record Generator step which is populated with data.


In the image below, the sync flow references the secondary flow where the primary data will be logged.

Illustrated in the image below is the secondary flow which is being referenced in a sync flow step in the main flow. A JSON reader is used to read the raw JSON data that is inputted from primary flow.

To enable the Log Input option, click on “Details” in the flow as highlighted in the below image.


The “Edit Flow” page will appear. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Log Input section. Click in the Enable check box and type the Mime Type as “application/json” as shown in the image below. Then scroll to the top of the page and click “Save” to save this change.


NB: The below link assists with common MIME types to use depending on the format the source data is in:

Common MIME types - HTTP | MDN

After the primary/ main flow has been processed, go to the secondary flow and click on Runs to view the run history as shown in the image below. Click on the latest date to open the run.

The below page will appear with the latest run information. Click on Download Run Input to download a JSON file of the primary flow’s data.

Illustrated in the below image is the primary/ main flow’s data that was downloaded as a JSON file and opened in Notepad.