New features for March 2023

The following are the new features for March 2023 :

Buffer View:

This feature is helpful if you require to view specific data from a buffer. It works similar to a SQL View. The below link assists with an example of how to create a Buffer View:

How to create a Buffer View

Compound indexes in buffers:

You can now add compound/ multiple indexes in buffers in order to optimize a flow’s processing time. Please click on the below link for more information on how this can be done:

How to optimize a buffer for a flow to process faster

Search bar to search for a relay endpoint in the Used By Flows section:

This feature assists when debugging a relay that is failing due to one of the endpoints losing connectivity (system issue or server issue where the system is installed on) and if you need to view the flows where the endpoint is being used to see what impact it has or to turn off the trigger/s until the endpoint is running again.

To find out more, please click on the link below:

How to view the flows that are being used by a specific endpoint in a relay

The relay endpoint search bar in the Used By Flows section is located in the selected relay page as highlighted in the image below.


Data Gateway :star_struck:

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