How to create a Buffer View

This feature assists when you want to view specific data from a buffer. It works similar to a SQL View where a user will be able to customize what data they can view from a table in the database (buffer data gets stored on MongoDB).

To create a Buffer View, please follow the below instructions:

  1. Create a buffer in the required solution by clicking on the 3 dots circled in red next to the solution name as illustrated in the below image, click on Create in the solution menu and then click on Buffer.


  1. The below page will appear. Type a buffer name and click on the highlighted checkbox next to Is View to create a Buffer View.

  1. You can type your SQL query with the fields and data that you want to view. The table name is the buffer name which automatically gets populated in the script page once you select an existing buffer from the dropdown list by clicking on the highlighted expander icon. The buffer name then appears as highlighted in the image below. The Validate button validates the SQL query that you inputted in the script page. Click on the Save Buffer button once you input your query for the view.

  1. You can view the Buffer View data by using a Buffer source step or a Buffer Query source step. A Calculator is added afterwards to delete the default buffer “_id” field by inputting delete inputRecord._id; as highlighted in the Calculator step as shown in the below image. In this example, we are using the Buffer source step as illustrated in the image below.



The below page is how the buffer data looks.

Illustrated in the below image is how the data looks when using a SQL query as a Buffer View.
