New features for November 2023

The following are the new features for November 2023:

IntelliSense in the Calculator step:

The Calculator Step now has IntelliSense ! This assists while typing JSON code to predict what the field names, functions, argument structures and Synatic syntax (input.record, input.parameter, etc) are.

NB: Please test the previous step for the Calculator step to enable contextual IntelliSense as mentioned in the image below.


CMSMTF Writer Step:

A CMSMTF Writer step is now available! It uses handlebars to create a text file.

For more information on the CMSMTF Writer step, please click on the link below:

CMSMTF Writer Step | Synatic Help Center

Business Central Connection Type in the Dynamics 365 Connection:

A new connection type is now available in the Dynamics 365 Connection which is the Business Central Connection Type! It is located under the Connection Type section when creating a Dynamic 365 connection as per the image below.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Destination Step:

Data can now be sent to marketing cloud on Salesforce via REST APIs using the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Step Destination Step! Marketing Cloud is a digital marketing platform from Salesforce which includes tools for email marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing, online advertising, and marketing automation in order to provide a unified customer view. It works with Salesforce REST APIs.

Click on the ‘plus’ button highlighted in the image below to add a new connection or alternatively select an existing connection from the dropdown list. Provide the REST Path in the field. Select the method to call the endpoint. Both these fields are required for the step to work.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Soap Destination Step:

A Salesforce Marketing Cloud Soap Step Destination Step is also available which works with Salesforce SOAP APIs.

Click on the ‘plus’ button highlighted in the image below to add a new connection or alternatively select an existing connection from the dropdown list. Provide the SOAP method in the Method field. This field is required for the step to work.

Geocode Lookup Mapper Step:

Existing addresses can now be validated using the Geocode Lookup Mapper Step as illustrated in the image below. As an addition, it provides more information about the address location provided in a record. To validate, it uses the Geocode Earth service and Pelias.

For more information, click on the link below:

Geocode Lookup Mapper Step | Synatic Help Center

LLM Mapper Step:

The LLM Mapper step is used to generate Large Language Model (LLM) results based on prompts provided as per the image below. It works with an integrated AI GPT model to give some information, similar to how Chat GPT works.

Please click on the link below to learn more about how this step is used:

LLM Mapper Step | Synatic Help Center