Welcome to Synatic's new portal!

Welcome to Synatic’s new portal! :partying_face: :tada: :confetti_ball:

The new portal comes with loads of exciting new features and a re-design of Synatic’s user interface to make it more user- friendly, sleek and efficient :star_struck: :sunglasses:

The 2 key changes are adding a step and using tabs to work with multiple flows :smiley: For more information, please click on the below links:

How to add a new step

How to use the tabs feature

To view the rest of the new features, please click on the below link :

Topics tagged new-portal

Please do let us know if you have any suggestions, experience any issues, have any questions or how your experience is with the new portal by contacting us through our support channels via Intercom or email us at support@synatic.com :slightly_smiling_face:

Have fun!!! :yum: